Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal 18 -“In Another Country”

1. What is the significance of the story’s title?

The title shows isolation. He tries to learn the Italian language, but once he tries to learn grammar it seems hard. It shows how things seem easy on the outside but as a whole they can be very difficult. He is from America, in Italy. There injuries also set them apart from the rest of the troops, which is another example of isolation.

2. Which character do you think best represents the “Hemingway hero”? Why?

The fencer or major best represents the Hemingway Hero. He deals with the most suffering. His wife has just passed away, and his anger and anxiety shows. He also suffers a hand injury that won’t heal. He still perseveres, and keeps fighting. His injury greatly affects his future.

3. What can you infer about the photographs the doctor hangs up? What is the significance of the major’s reaction?

The photos are encouraging, but could be fake. They are meant of a motivational tool. The major doesn’t acknowledge the photos, and is not very hopeful. He is distracted and focused elsewhere, isolating himself into his own world of suffering and loss. The is the embodiment of the Hemingway Hero.

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